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When Should You Replace An Old Dental Filling?

When Should You Replace An Old Dental Filling?

Dental fillings can last a long time, but they are not life-long restorations. Most fillings will need to be replaced after around a decade, with some types lasting longer than others. If you are wondering whether it is time to replace your old dental filling, be aware that as long as it is continuing to…

How Do Clear Aligners Work For Teeth Straightening?

How Do Clear Aligners Work For Teeth Straightening?

Clear aligners are a discreet teeth straightening treatment option that involves custom-fit transparent trays that pull teeth into an ideal position. It is a great way to improve the attractiveness of your smile and fix issues such as crooked teeth, overcrowding, gaps between teeth, protruding teeth and bite complications. Patients who know more about the treatment…